1. Mushi-Shi: The Next Chapter - Drops of Bells (2015) - Letterboxd
On a warm summer day, a boy heard the sound of bells ringing, as if in celebration, in the mountain near his home. Several years later in that same mountain ...
On a warm summer day, a boy heard the sound of bells ringing, as if in celebration, in the mountain near his home. Several years later in that same mountain, the mushishi Ginko stumbles upon a young girl in a mountain with branches and leaves growing out of her body. He later realises that she is the lord of that mountain but finds it strange that a human like her was chosen as the lord. He meets her older brother who has continued to search for her ever since she disappeared while accompanying him on a stormy day. The story is about Ginko’s peculiar journey amidst the occult to unravel the mystery behind the enigmatic girl called Kaya and the mountain that has become her home.
2. Mushi-Shi: The Next Chapter - Drops of Bells (2015) - Plex
On a warm summer day, a boy heard the sound of bells ringing, as if in celebration, in the mountain near his home. Several years later in that same mountain ...
On a warm summer day, a boy heard the sound of bells ringing, as if in celebration, in the mountain near his home. Several years later in that same mountain, the mushishi Ginko stumbles upon a young girl in a mountain with branches and leaves growing out of her body. He later realises that she is the lord of that mountain but finds it strange that a human like her was chosen as the lord. He meets her older brother who has continued to search for her ever since she disappeared while accompanying him on a stormy day. The story is about Ginko’s peculiar journey amidst the occult to unravel the mystery behind the enigmatic girl called Kaya and the mountain that has become her home.
3. Mushishi Film: Bell Droplets
Mushishi Film: Bell Droplets ; Duration. 47 minutes ; Rating. PG-13 ; Adapted from. Drops of Bells (Part 1; Chapter 49) and Drops of Bells (Part 2; Chapter 50) ...
Bell Droplets is a Mushishi film that aired on May 16, 2015.
4. Mushi-Shi: The Next Chapter - Drops of Bells (2015)
Bevat niet: script | Resultaten tonen met:script
On a warm summer day, a boy heard the sound of bells ringing, as if in celebration, in the mountain near his home. Several years later in that same mountain, the mushishi Ginko stumbles upon a young girl in a mountain with branches and leaves growing out of her body. He later realises that she is the lord of that mountain but finds it strange that a human like her was chosen as the lord. He meets her older brother who has continued to search for her ever since she disappeared while accompanying him on a stormy day. The story is about Ginko’s peculiar journey amidst the occult to unravel the mystery behind the enigmatic girl called Kaya and the mountain that has become her home.
5. Mushi-Shi: The Next Chapter - Drops of Bells (2015) - The Movie Database
Hij ontmoet haar oudere broer die haar blijft zoeken sinds ze verdween terwijl hij hem vergezelde op een stormachtige dag. Het verhaal gaat over Ginko's ...
See AlsoIs Ameriprise A Pyramid SchemeOp een warme zomerdag hoorde een jongen het geluid van klokken luiden, alsof hij een feest vierde, in de berg vlakbij zijn huis. Enkele jaren later stuit de mushishi Ginko op diezelfde berg op een jong meisje in een berg met takken en bladeren die uit haar lichaam groeien. Hij realiseert zich later dat zij de heer van die berg is, maar vindt het vreemd dat een mens als zij tot heer werd gekozen. Hij ontmoet haar oudere broer die haar blijft zoeken sinds ze verdween terwijl hij hem vergezelde op een stormachtige dag. Het verhaal gaat over Ginko's eigenaardige reis te midden van het occulte om het mysterie achter het enigmatische meisje genaamd Kaya en de berg die haar thuis is geworden te ontrafelen.
6. Mushi-Shi: The Next Chapter - Drops of Bells | movie | 2015 | Official Trailer
6 feb 2023 · ... bells ringing, as if in celebration, in the mountain near his home. Sever | dG1fQkRkUEtuZGZkNjg. Category.. Short film. Show less. Recommended.
7. Mushi-Shi: The Next Chapter - Drops of Bells | Telescope Film
Mushi-Shi: The Next Chapter - Drops of Bells(蟲師 続章「鈴の雫」).. Japan · 2015 47m. Director Hiroshi Nagahama Starring Yuto Nakano, Tomomi Saito, ...
Hiroshi Nagahama's 2015 production of Mushi-Shi: The Next Chapter - Drops of Bells.
8. Reviews of Mushi-Shi: The Next Chapter - Drops of Bells - Letterboxd
Reviews of Mushi-Shi: The Next Chapter - Drops of Bells 2015 · Members · Fans ... The script, the soundtracks.. the image of this film! It is deep stuff ...
Reviews of Mushi-Shi: The Next Chapter - Drops of Bells
9. Mushishi (anime)
Chapter. 1, "The Green Seat" (緑の座 ... Films. Main article: Mushishi Film: Bell Droplets. A film titled Bell Droplets (Suzu no Shizuku) aired on May 16, 2015.
The Mushishi anime is based on the manga series written and illustrated by Yuki Urushibara, published in Kodansha's Afternoon magazine from January 1999 to August 2008. Mushishi focuses on the adventures of a Mushi Master, Ginko, who travels from place to place chasing rumors of occurrences that could be tied to mushi. The first season contains 26 episodes that aired from October 23, 2005 to June 19, 2006. There was a brief hiatus in March after Episode 20, after which the show resumed airing in
10. Mushishi: The Next Chapter - Drops of Bells - CinéLounge
Hiroshi Nagahama · Japon · 2015; 47min; Mushi-Shi Zoku Shou: Suzu no Shizuku. Bookmarker Détails IMDb Films similaires Téléchargement et raccourcis.
Mushishi: The Next Chapter - Drops of Bells : Galerie, casting, critiques, avis, commentaires, statistiques, tags, listes et bien plus ! - CinéLounge